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Buy Auto Parts Blog

Volvo: Autonomous Driving Support

November 5, 2012 -  Car technology—as are all forms of technology—is advancing at an unprecedented rate. It is an exciting time for transportation. All this talk about driverless cars has to give you the feeling we are on the verge of something really big. Driving as we know it, will not be “as we know…
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40mpg! Just Kidding, We Meant 37…

November 2, 2012 -  Hyundai Motors America and Kia Motors America have had to send out a brand new batch of window stickers for 6 models (3 each) because they apparently overestimated the MPG on about 900,000 cars. Oops! The Hyundai Accent, Veloster, and Elantra all touted 40MPG, along with their Kia counterparts (Hyundai owns…
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Automobile Magazine 2013 Car of the Year

November 1, 2012 -  And the winner is…the Tesla Model S? I’ll give you a minute to let the disbelief sink in. Go ahead and hit the refresh button a couple of times to make sure it’s not a typo. Heck, open another browser window and Google it, just so you know I’m not messing…
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In the Wake of Hurricane Sandy

October 31, 2012 -  When I think about the damages caused by a hurricane I generally conjure the news photos of people’s homes being destroyed—their personal belongings being washed away, destroyed in fires, or crushed in a collapse. It is estimated that Hurricane Sandy is going to cause about $20 billion dollars’ worth of damage—that…
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Luxury Cars: The True Cost of Ownership

October 29, 2012 -  Here are some things that people don’t always think about when they go to purchase a high end car: Gas is more expensive – Most people don’t even consider prices as one of the consequences of buying an expensive car. Nicer cars have more expensive engines that have been specially tuned.…
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China Takes On Traffic

October 26, 2012 -  As it’s Friday, I feel like we should talk about traffic—at some point today we’re all going to be stuck in it. There is a news story circulating the web today about government of Beijing and their plan to pass new legislation in hopes of cutting traffic by 50%. That is…
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Poor Road Conditions are Costing You Money

October 25, 2012 -  It’s Thursday, you are on your commute home from work and you’re tired from a long day. You decide that traffic is especially bad this evening so you are going to outsmart everyone by maneuvering your way through the lesser known local routes. You take a left onto a residential street—it…
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Steer-by-Wire to Replace Power Steering?

October 24, 2012 -  Over the past couple of weeks I have talked a lot about the future of cars. My emphasis has been more conceptual, as I have attempted to peer into the distant future of car technology. Today, I thought it might be refreshing to focus on something a little more…brass tacks. While…
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Car Trouble? Try Rebooting.

October 23, 2012 -  As cars and computer technology begin to converge, it is becoming more difficult to draw a clear line between the two. You can’t drive your Dell to the grocery store, but you can listen to music, access the internet, and get real-time driving directions in your car. Newer cars have so…
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When to Pull Over For Emergency Vehicles?

October 19, 2012 -  We all know we are supposed to pull over when there is an emergency vehicle directly behind us. We also know that this is not good news. But when are we obligated to pull to the side of the road when a policeman is not looking to write us a ticket?…
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