January 30, 2013 - Every year we all plop down in front of the TV to watch four hours of commercials interrupted by the occasional subpar football game. We laugh, we cry and sometimes we just ask why. As in, “Why did this company spend one hundred billion dollars on that 30 second disaster?”
Some of the greatest commercials have debuted during the Super Bowl. Apple’s legendary advertisement 1984, actually debuted and also retired. It was only shown once, and has gone down in history as maybe the best commercial of all time. However, this is a car blog so who cares about a company which Forest Gump referred to as “some kind of fruit company,” let’s get to the car commercials.
A bunch of different things can make a commercial “great.” I put great in quotes because to me greatness is in the eye of the beholder, or the arm of John Elway. Some people think building brand awareness is great. Other say it’s communicating your message. Then there are those whom say getting the customer to participate in a call to action is what makes a successful commercial. Those are all true, but those sound pretty boring to write about, so for this blog entry I am focusing on humor. Here is a list of the funniest Super Bowl car commercials of all time. (This list is in no particular order… OK, they are in a particular order. They are in the order in which I remembered them and then found them online.)
Seinfeld Acura NSX Commercial
This commercial asks the great questions, as in “Would you trade the first NSX for the Soup Nazi?” Click Here To Watch
Nissan Maxima Pigeons
I remembered this one being a lot more comical. I guess a narrative of pigeons trying to poop on a car was more humorous when I was 13. Click Here To Watch
Volkswagen Unpimp My Ride
Cause every time I see a vehicle like this I want to drop a storage container on it myself. Also, it is always nice to see supporting actors from The Big Lebowski getting work. Click Here To Watch
Chevy Happy Grad
This is probably the one that made me laugh the hardest. “BEST GIFT EVER. BEST GIFT EVER!” Click Here To Watch
Volkswagen The Force
Ok, so it may not be the funniest but it is pretty darn adorable. Click Here To Watch
Toyota Reinvented
Toyota makes us laugh and smile by showing us a world reinvented in the best ways imaginable. Click Here To Watch
Volkswagen Get in Get Happy
This one is actually from the Super Bowl coming up. Volkswagen released it early, because I guess that’s a thing we are doing now. Can’t wait to annoy people on Sunday by shouting out “Oh this one is good, I saw it already on the world wide interweb!” This makes three Volkswagen commercials to make the list. Who said Germans are not funny? Click Here To Watch
I hope you had a few chuckles by reading and watching the above. Let me know if I missed any of your favorite car commercials?