May 1, 2013 - Tinting your car windows is a great way to keep the sun’s harmful UV rays out and maintain a cooler temperature in your car during warmer months. Having your car windows tinted can also add an extra level of privacy, as it will be harder for people to see clearly through your windows depending on the tint level. And let’s be honest, cars with tinted windows just look cooler.
There are a few things to consider when choosing the right window tint for your car. Here are some tips to help make your window tinting mission a success.
Determine The Tint Level You Need
Window tint comes in various levels of darkness. The darker the tint, the more UV protection provided, and the less people are able to see into the car. Having a very dark window tint can make it slightly harder to see out from the inside at night, and nearly impossible for anyone to see anything at all when looking through the windows from the outside.
State laws have been put in place to regulate window tint levels to make sure that tints aren’t too dark that a police officer wouldn’t be able to see inside. Check the laws in your state prior to choosing your tint. Although, limo tint might make your Mustang look awesome cruising down the road, it is not worth getting pulled over for.
Consult a Professional Window Tinting Service
Applying window tint to your car windows can be done yourself by carefully following the instructions on the tint packaging. Window tints are often found in most auto parts and accessories shops, with a large selection to choose from. Although, this can be a difficult job and you may end up with air bubbles, which is not a good look.
To get the best results, consult a professional window tinting service. Check out several different window tinting service providers in your area to compare pricing, and checkout online reviews to find the best service and price.
Properly Care for your Tinted Windows
After having your windows tinted professionally or doing it yourself, there will be a period of as much as 30 days where you will not be able to wash your windows in order to allow the tint to set. Once this period has passed, only use common household window cleaners – such as Windex – to clean your windows. Never use any harsh or abrasive cleaners – especially those that contain ammonia – as this can damage your tint.